Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Blog #10

 Blog #10

Samantha Marsella

        Card Game

This was the game that we played at the beginning of the semester where we had to all remain silent and read a set of directions and try to play this card game. Each group had a different set of directions and while we played there was a lot of confusion. This game was part of Delpit's culture of power and we saw who took control and who were the followers. Society is built with people that follow the rules and others go against them.


In the video Learning to See I learned a lot about what to look for in a classroom. Watching this helped me understand what to look for when I started my service learning. I knew the good signs and the things to worry about in a classroom. Seeing group work and lots of materials to be used are good signs, but blank walls and bored students are things to worry about.

        Queering Our Schools

This reading had a lot of meaning to it because it shows that people aren't the only thing that needs to be more accepting of people who identify as something else but schools need to as well. Teachers learning to be open about talking about people who are gay, lesbian, etc. needs to be done. This is important to have a more inclusive school. People need to feel welcomed and comfortable in school to be able to get a good education.

1 comment:

  1. I really liked the card game because as someone with autism, I regularly feel like no one understands what I'm trying to communicate. So having everyone else experience that for a change was refreshing.


Blog #10

 Blog #10 Samantha Marsella          Card Game This was the game that we played at the beginning of the semester where we had to all remain ...