Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Entry #5 Rose

How Structural Racism Works

Tricia Rose 

Samantha Marsella


        I chose to do a reflection because I still have personal connections even though I am not someone of color. But first I want to talk about some key points that stood out from the video. Structural racism in a brief definition is when people of color have poor or chronic outcomes while white people receive advantages. For example, white people are more likely to get a house because of their skin color or because they are willing to pay more for the home. People of color are more likely to be shut down when getting a job as well. Another thing is that 80% of people don't see that racism is a problem or think we are moving on from it. Lastly, there are five key areas where racism can take place and those are in media, wealth, criminal justice, education, and housing. With all these areas being stated there is no safe space for people and that is just not right.

In my own life, I didn't recognize racism at such a young age, but that doesn't mean it wasn't happening around me. Racism doesn't just have to be about the color of people's skin but it could also be about how someone identifies themself as. The one story that I always talk about and can relate to was my grandmother. I had a friend of a different color skin and she told me to stay away from him. She told me that "black people are no good". I understand that she is old school and there were a lot of problems with people back then but it is a different time. I got pretty upset with her and told her that times are different and not all people are bad. I told her I could be friends with whoever I wanted to be friends with and just because he is someone of color doesn't mean he's bad. I knew he was nice and smart and a really good kid and I understand that she didn't know him but you can't make assumptions.

That brings me to my next point about making assumptions. Assumptions are made every day whether you realize it or not. Honestly, I never realized I had done it until this class, and could actually think of a time when I've done it. The first time was when I was in school and I looked at someone and thought to myself, "She's popular" or "he's a nerd" without even knowing these people. I have even done it on the softball field when we played a team and I either thought there was no way we are winning because they are really good or that they suck. Making assumptions is the first step at making racism happen because if you think something about someone you aren't going to give them a chance.

Below is a link that explains some laws and rules about structural racism.

Do you think that racism is ever not going to be a thing? Do you think at least it will get better or worse? I know there is no true answer to these questions but everyone has a different opinion so I want to know other people's thoughts or maybe even some actions that can be taken to stop racism.

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